What Are The Steps To Install A Fire Sprinkler System?

While there are many types of viable fire suppression systems, a sprinkler system can be an affordable and comprehensive way to provide fire security. If your home doesn't have a fire sprinkler system or if there is inadequate coverage, know that there are several steps that you and your fire suppression systems technician will need to go through to install a great sprinkler system. Here are the basic steps you'll need to take. Read More 

4 Ways To Make Your Home More Secure This Spring

If you are worried about the security of your home this year during spring cleaning, make sure that you also focus on increasing the security of your home. Here are a few simple things that you can do to increase the security of your home this spring.  #1 Change Your Locks If you have the same locks on your home that the previous owners, renters or even old roommates may have the lock too, you need to change your locks this spring. Read More 

A Few Things You Need To Know About Wireless Surveillance Cameras

There are many myths and misconceptions about how wireless surveillance cameras work.  Learning the truth behind how wireless security cameras work will help you make smart security decisions. Here are three things that you need to know about how wireless security cameras operate.  There Is Really No Such Thing As A Wireless Camera When people hear the term "wireless security camera" they assume that the camera does not have any wires. Read More 

Low On Funds? 4 Ways To Make Your Home Less Of A Target For Criminals On A Budget

Being a homeowner comes with a number of responsibilities. Maintenance and repairs are inevitable, but other things such as home security are important, but sometimes forgotten. If you do not have enough funds to invest in a full-fledged home security system, you may feel like you are out of luck. However, you can get a bit creative and implement a number of unique and effective features to deter criminals. Grow Cactus by Windows Read More 

Worried About Your Safety And Security In Your Home? Consider Doing These 3 Things

Security is the primary concern of any homeowner. It is natural to want to make your residence safer. You and your family need to feel secure at all times. If you don't want to stress too much about making your home safer, try doing these three things. Adding a security system, installing carbon monoxide detectors and reinforcing your windows only takes a phone call. Learn more about how to make your home safer in this extensive guide. Read More